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i don't have a previous government, for instance, whom i can blame for my mistakes.
let's say in 1984 i was ruled by someone else, so i pissed it off with that beautiful, curly, smart girl.
if that were the case, i could perfectly say now: "it's due to that insidious girl who made me beleive i was nothing"
was that the case? was she insidious? was i so stupid?
perfectly no
i mean, that was not the case. she was not insidious.
some years after that day, you can find me here again. still sitting here, at the barber's shop, and all the people that come and go stop and say hello.
i'm robbing somenone of that verse.
it's your responsibility, as an insidious reader, to discover who i'm robbing.
see ya! take care!
i, me, mine
february, mmxvii
PS: hay pocas versiones de canciones de los beatles que me gustan.
PS 1: no importa mucho si me gustan, esto no se trata de la post-verdad.
PS 2: si uno mira la foto que ilustra este artículo, tal vez tenga una pista de la canción a la que se refiere. es cuestión de esforzarse un poco, nomás.
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